Catholic Youth Organization Certificate of Appreciation!

Members of UTU 1741,

The Coaches of All Hallows 3rd & 4th Grade Girl's C.Y.O (Catholic Youth Organization) basketball teams would like to take this time to thank you for your generosity and support. Without you we could not have achieved our success thus far. When we speak of success, we do not mean success as measured out in winning games, but a success that is much more deeply rooted.

Through UTU's support we were able to furnish equipment and provide after-game socials at McDonald's for our teams. Our girls participated in a basketball clinic that the coaches were instrumental in putting together back in March. They also attended a USF Lady Dens basketball game ,where they had an autograph session with players and coaches.

As the coaches brainstormed, we thought it would be befitting to end our season with a Team Picnic and Awards Ceremony. These are just a few factors that we believe have contributed to our team's success. The 4th Graders coached by Marlena Jackson and Elaine Redus, ended the season with a 7-1 record and finally losing in the semi-final round of the playoffs by 2 points. The 3rd Grade team coached by Shanti Wilson and Janay Knox , with their win in the semi-final round of their division have advanced to the Championship to be played Saturday, June 5th.

So as we bring closure to our season we wanted the members of UTU to know how much your kindness and support has been appreciated throughout our season. The impact that has been made truly can not be spoken in words.

Peace and Prosperity,

Marlena Jackson & Elaine Redus Shanti Wilson & Janay Knox

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